About ModAnalog

ModAnalog creates state-of-the-art analog and RFIC design technologies that help semiconductor design centers with RF circuit design. It was founded in Colorado, USA, by Suman Sah, Ph.D. who, after over a decade of research and industry experience. At ModAnalog, we believe that there is no need to waste time and talent on repetitive yet exhausting tasks. ModAnalog offers groundbreaking solutions that can help reduce design time from months to just a few days, bringing significant cost benefits to design centers and freeing valuable talent to do what they like most - developing topologies that can satisfy complex system requirements.


  • Are you an RFIC designer who:
    • Creates Inductors manually?
    • Has to spend multiple hours to tweak an Inductor to get expected parameters and repeat this yet again once circuit parameters have changed?
    • Draws Ground Ring manually?
    • Draws Manual Fills and Patterned Ground Shield?
    • Has to redo the top layout all over again because Inductor was slightly modified?
  • If your answer is yes to any of the above, you need to try our Automated Inductor generation tool: ModInd

ModAnalog is pleased to announce its first tool to automate inductor layout creation while keeping top level layouts and iteration in context. The tool is fully capable of creating and scaling inductors as needed and can also generate Ground Ring, patterned Ground Shied and do intelligent fills from the start. Written in python and hosted on the web, all the tool needs from the user is a few calibration inputs (without revealing any Foundry Proprietary information) to customize for each PDKs. Once a PDK Profile is created, DRC clean Inductor GDS can be generated. While the web-interface currently only supports interaction with PDK using calma GDS files, we can provide skill based interaction with Cadence Virtuoso Design tool.

The inductors are designed in modular fashion with inbuilt hierarchy and with each unit in a separate sub-cell. This gives the user an easy avenue to customize inductors at a later stage, should the need arise. This methodology is also useful for EM simulation as the fills, pattered-ground shield, and ground ring can be added or removed with ease as needed.

The tool is also capable of providing a realistic pi model for the inductor without running an EM simulation. As designers know,this can save a lot of valuable time when creating initial schematics before layout and floorplan is done.

Within the purview of implementability, the tool is capable of scaling inductors for iterating on design. This can be done while keeping Ground Ring, and input/output stubs at a constant location so that top level layout is not impacted.

Please note that ModInd is not a replacement for your EM simulation tool .

Currently the tool is available for a free trial. Please feel free to contact us for your design needs.

RFIC Design Consulting:

ModAnalog provides services in RF/MS IC design that can reduce design time significantly. If you have a design need and are short staffed, we are here to help.